An Abandoned Farm near Lucca, North Dakota

Lucca, North Dakota was founded in 1891 as a Soo Line railroad town, about a mile south of the present town site, and just north of a ghost town known as Binghamton, of which nothing remains today. Lucca was moved north, to be near the Soo Line/Northern Pacific Railroad junction, in the southeast corner of Barnes County, in 1900.

Old Lucca, ND

We visited in 2005 and found present-day Lucca looks a lot like a salvage yard these days, with only one or two abandoned buildings, and they were in the middle of some very elaborately posted private property. It was pretty hard to get any good pictures, so we chose to photograph this abandoned farm just north of town.

Old Lucca, ND

Whomever occupied this farm left a very long time ago.

Old Lucca, ND

Old Lucca, ND

Old Lucca, ND

Old Lucca, ND

There were crumbling outbuildings and fieldstone walls in various states of decay on this old farmstead.

Old Lucca, ND

Old Lucca, ND

Old Lucca, ND

Old Lucca, ND

Old Lucca, ND

These photos of the cemetery are from the present-day Lucca townsite.

Old Lucca, ND

Photos by Troy Larson and Terry Hinnenkamp, copyright © 2016 Sonic Tremor Media