Photos from the vault: Alfred, North dakota

Every now and then I dig into the archives looking for unseen things we shot but never shared, and I recently discovered these photos from our jaunt through Alfred, North Dakota in 2012. Some of these are alternate angles and shots and some other stuff we haven’t posted before.

We visited Alfred over the long 4th of July Weekend in 2012 and found services happening at the Seventh Day Adventist church, and there was plenty of activity but still some fun stuff to photograph.

Alfred reportedly had 150 residents in 1930. It’s far less than that today.

Do you know Alfred, North Dakota? Tell us about it in the comments.

3 thoughts on “Photos from the vault: Alfred, North dakota

  1. We moved to Alfred from Michigan back in 1997, with the three of us there were only seven others that lived in town. Had a lot of fun there the few years we lived in Alfred.


  2. I visited Alfred this Summer. Specifically I went to the Cemetery. It had a unique turnstyle entry way. Narrow and tighter fitting , made back in the day when people were slimmer? I did find my great aunt, Lydia Schulz Koenig ! Her sister is buried in Fredonia, Mathida Schulz . Her Mother , Louisa Wolf Schulz is in the Hope Cemetery, near McLaughlin SD. Her Brother Johannes intown McLaughlin SD. If anyone has information on Lydia please contact me, Pictures ?


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